Isolated tumor cells in sentinel lymph nodes of invasive breast cancer: cell displacement or metastasis?

Tille Jean-Christophe, Loubeyre Pierre, Bodmer Alexandre, Jannot Berthier Anne-Sophie, Rozenholc Alexandre, Tabouret-Viaud Claire, Monnier Sindy, Castiglione Monica

The goal of this study was to determine whether the presence of isolated tumoral cells (ITCs) in sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) after core needle biopsy (CNB) is related to the time interval between CNB and surgery and to histopathologic features of invasive breast cancer. Data from 633 consecutive patients with no micrometastasis or metastasis on both frozen sections and definitive pathologic examination of SLNs were retrieved from a prospective data base. No association was found between ITCs and the time interval between CNB and SLNB. The association was significant with tumor size, the tumor lymphovascular invasion (LVI) and the histologic type of the tumor. This study adds supplementary data to the association between tumoral LVI and ITCs in SLNs, The time interval between CNB procedure and SLNB was not related to affect presence of ITCs, which might not suggest the iatrogenic origin of these cells.

2014. Breast J; 20(5):502-507
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